
Show dynamic notifications and alerts to user, part of notifications system


Notification is a base component for notification system. Build your own or use @mantine/notifications package.

Notification component has 3 variants:

  • default – with colored line on the left
  • icon – line is replaced with icon
  • loading – icon or line are replaced with Loader

You can use icons from any react icons library, for example:

<Notification title="Default notification">
This is default notification with title and body
<Notification icon={<CheckIcon />} color="teal" title="Teal notification">
This is teal notification with icon
<Notification icon={<Cross1Icon />} color="red">
Bummer! Notification without title
title="Uploading data to the server"
Please wait until data is uploaded, you cannot close this notification yet


You can choose any color defined in theme:

<Notification title="We notify you that">
You are now obligated to give a star to Mantine project on Github
<Notification icon={<CheckIcon />} title="We notify you that">
You are now obligated to give a star to Mantine project on Github


To support screen readers set close button aria-label or title with closeButtonProps:

<Notification closeButtonProps={{ 'aria-label': 'Hide notification' }} />
<Notification closeButtonProps={{ title: 'Hide notification' }} />